Hi! My name is Misty Miller and I'm a first grade teacher at Sorgho Elementary School in Owensboro, KY! I am working on my Master's degree in Elementary Education. At this point, I'm about half-way through. :) I'm just about to finish my first year teaching first grade and I've had an awesome year!! I work with many fabulous teachers who have taught me so much. I'm learning more and more each day and I look forward to continuing to learn more to be the best teacher I can be! :) I've created this blog as a project for my Library Media Education 411/G class. This blog focuses on my topic; Dinosaurs. During the course of this class, I have created many different multimedia projects on dinosaurs. This is my final project and I think it will be a great asset when I teach this topic next year. I hope you enjoy looking through my blog! :)